Latest Products
Fondant design cake (3 pounds) #004
Fondant cover 2 storey cake with natural rose toppings
Harry Potter design cake in Nepal #005
Special harry potter design cake we bake customize cake cake on your demand
Baby Shower Cake 2 Story (4 pounds ) #006
special baby shower cake for your special day
celebrate your happiness moment with special baby shower customize cake
and add more happiness in your life
Harry Potter design cake in Nepal #005
1250.00Special harry potter design cake we bake customize cake cake on your demand
Sycle Theme Cake (4 pounds ) #042
4800.002 storey sycle theme cake design
flavour optionns available
Baby Shower Cake 2 Story (4 pounds ) #006
4000.00special baby shower cake for your special day
celebrate your happiness moment with special baby shower customize cake
and add more happiness in your life
Fondant design cake (3 pounds) #004
NPR 3500.00Fondant cover 2 storey cake with natural rose toppings
Harry Potter design cake in Nepal #005
NPR 1250.00Special harry potter design cake we bake customize cake cake on your demand
Sycle Theme Cake (4 pounds ) #042
NPR 4800.002 storey sycle theme cake design
flavour optionns available
Baby Shower Cake 2 Story (4 pounds ) #006
NPR 4000.00special baby shower cake for your special day
celebrate your happiness moment with special baby shower customize cake
and add more happiness in your life